With a 95% success rate, dental implants are considered an extremely reliable treatment. But that doesn’t mean that failure isn’t a possibility. There are certain circumstances that might force us to remove or replace implants in order to protect your newly restored smile. It’s important to be able to recognize the potential causes of implant failure, notice the symptoms of said failure, and seek appropriate treatments when necessary. Call Dr. Christensen and Dr. Drisdale right away if you are concerned about the health of your dental implant.

a dentist is holding a model of dental implants in front of a patient .
  • What are dental implants made of?

    Dental implants are primarily made of titanium, a biocompatible material that is accepted by the body and serves as a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth.

  • How do dental implants prevent bone loss?

    Unlike traditional dentures, dental implants mimic the function of a natural tooth root, stimulating the jawbone when you chew. This stimulation helps maintain jawbone density, preventing the bone loss typically associated with missing teeth.

  • Can dental implants replace multiple teeth?

    Absolutely, dental implants can replace one, multiple, or all missing teeth. Implant-supported bridges or dentures are often used when multiple teeth are missing.

  • What are All-on-4 and All-on-6 restorations?

    All-on-4 and All-on-6 are techniques that use four or six implants, respectively, to support a full-arch prosthesis. These solutions are often recommended for patients who are missing all their teeth in one or both arches.

  • Do dental implants require special care?

    Dental implants should be cared for like natural teeth: regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential. Although they can't decay, the gums around them can still get gum disease.

  • What is the success rate of dental implant surgery?

    Dental implant surgery has a high success rate, often above 95%. However, success can depend on the dental health of the individual, where in the jaw the implants are placed, and the professional's skill.

  • Are dental implants safe?

    Yes, dental implants are a safe and well-established treatment. Like natural teeth, they will last for a long time if cared for properly.

  • Can anyone get dental implants?

    Most people who are in good general health and have healthy gums and enough bone in the jaw to hold an implant can get dental implants. However, they may not be suitable for everyone, including smokers or individuals with certain chronic diseases.

  • How long does the procedure for dental implants take?

    The procedure can vary depending on the number of implants and the patient's specific condition. Generally, the process, from consultation to the final placement of the implant, can take a few months.

  • How much do dental implants cost, and does insurance cover them?

    The cost of dental implants can vary depending on various factors, including the number of implants and whether bone grafts are needed. Some dental insurance plans do cover part of the cost of implants, but it varies by carrier and plan. It's best to check with your insurance provider for specifics about your coverage.

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Oftentimes when dental implants fail, the cause lies in an infection called peri-implantitis. This can be thought of as a type of gum disease that forms around dental implant posts. When bacteria invade the tissues around the implant, they can cause the jawbone and gums to break down. This eventually causes the post to come loose, resulting in an implant failure. Per-implantitis can occur for a number of reasons, but it’s frequently a result of poor oral hygiene.

There are other possible reasons for implants to fail. For example, physical trauma could end up damaging the implant post as well as the jaw. In some cases, osseointegration could fail altogether, meaning the implant never joins with the jawbone. There are even medical conditions (such as cancer) that could compromise the body’s ability to bond with and support implants.


Dental implant failure can happen shortly after placement, but it can also occur years later after osseointegration is already complete. Common signs of early or late implant failure include:

  • Unusual that goes beyond the soreness that is typically experienced after implant surgery. Call if the pain around your implant never gets better or suddenly grows worse.
  • An implant post that has become loose. Sometimes it’s just the restoration that’s moving around, but if the post itself has become mobile, it means that osseointegration has failed.
  • Bleeding, swelling, and pus that could point to a possible infection.
  • Difficulty chewing your food. The stability of dental implants should let you eat virtually anything without an issue, so if you find you have a problem eating certain foods, let us know right away.


When you come into our office regarding an issue with your dental implants, we’ll talk to you about your symptoms and give your mouth a thorough examination. How the treatment goes from there depends on the underlying issue and how severe it is. In some cases, it’s still possible to save the dental implant; for example, an infection can be treated with a deep cleaning and antibiotics before it compromises the post. In other cases, the implant might have to be removed altogether so that a bone graft or another advanced procedure can be performed. A new dental implant might be placed once your mouth is healthy again.


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a woman is holding a model of dental implants in her hands .
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