Dr. Drisdale offers the latest orthodontic treatment that can benefit both teens and adults. Many people suffer from issues like dental crowding, misalignment, and bite problems, but are hesitant to commit to traditional braces due to the cumbersome and noticeable metal brackets and wires. However, leaving these issues untreated can result in deteriorating oral health down the road. That’s why we offer discreet and customized clear braces treatment, using Invisalign in Midland, TX.

a person is holding a clear brace in their hand .
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Invisalign is a modern orthodontic alternative to traditional braces that is best suited for adults and teens who don’t want their oral appliance to be highly noticeable. Using clear, custom-fitted trays, you can gently and strategically shift your teeth into their ideal alignment and address mild and moderate misalignment problems. To learn whether you’re a good candidate for Invisalign treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. Drisdale today.

  • What are dental implants made of?

    Dental implants are primarily made of titanium, a biocompatible material that is accepted by the body and serves as a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth.

  • How do dental implants prevent bone loss?

    Unlike traditional dentures, dental implants mimic the function of a natural tooth root, stimulating the jawbone when you chew. This stimulation helps maintain jawbone density, preventing the bone loss typically associated with missing teeth.

  • Can dental implants replace multiple teeth?

    Absolutely, dental implants can replace one, multiple, or all missing teeth. Implant-supported bridges or dentures are often used when multiple teeth are missing.

  • What are All-on-4 and All-on-6 restorations?

    All-on-4 and All-on-6 are techniques that use four or six implants, respectively, to support a full-arch prosthesis. These solutions are often recommended for patients who are missing all their teeth in one or both arches.

  • Do dental implants require special care?

    Dental implants should be cared for like natural teeth: regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential. Although they can't decay, the gums around them can still get gum disease.

  • What is the success rate of dental implant surgery?

    Dental implant surgery has a high success rate, often above 95%. However, success can depend on the dental health of the individual, where in the jaw the implants are placed, and the professional's skill.

  • Are dental implants safe?

    Yes, dental implants are a safe and well-established treatment. Like natural teeth, they will last for a long time if cared for properly.

  • Can anyone get dental implants?

    Most people who are in good general health and have healthy gums and enough bone in the jaw to hold an implant can get dental implants. However, they may not be suitable for everyone, including smokers or individuals with certain chronic diseases.

  • How long does the procedure for dental implants take?

    The procedure can vary depending on the number of implants and the patient's specific condition. Generally, the process, from consultation to the final placement of the implant, can take a few months.

  • How much do dental implants cost, and does insurance cover them?

    The cost of dental implants can vary depending on various factors, including the number of implants and whether bone grafts are needed. Some dental insurance plans do cover part of the cost of implants, but it varies by carrier and plan. It's best to check with your insurance provider for specifics about your coverage.


Discreet, Custom-Fitted Orthodontic Aligners

Orthodontic Treatment for
Teens & Adults

Accurate Digital
Impression System

a woman is wearing invisible braces on her teeth .
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